When a government says take this "voluntary" health treatment or lose your job, that treatment becomes compulsory for anyone not wealthy enough to do without that job. If it was a National government imposing vaccine mandates, or a private company, perhaps more of the left would recognize that they violate people's basic rights as workers?

#COVID19NZ #VaccineMandates

@strypey time to build independent income far away from 9 to 5 perspective :)))

How's that going to work for school teachers, public health workers, fire officers, etc? Making a viable living in the gig economy hasn't been a workable solution for most people. Plus it's not something people can pivot to overnight, especially in the middle of a global crisis.

@strypey I did not say is easy. But I created independent income since years. When you focus on problems you can solve for people you always earn money. When you improof this skill you have a good income.

The question you haven't answered is, how's that going to work for school teachers, public health workers, fire officers, etc? Many important forms of work can't be individualized in the way you describe.


@strypey oh they will. For sure there will be a lot of suffering. But as the goverments decided to devide societies into vaxxed and unvaxxed instead of following the sience you will see private organized Hospitals with unvaxxed stuff etc. It might turn out that this stuff get better paid then in the normal hospitals. But it will happen.

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