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Life is beautiful! Antipasti, long fermented Pizza and Seabream :) oft course with a good wine!-)

Back to this Restaurant after month and for my surprise they used the time. Very good to rebuild the place very nice! Happy to get back to normal very slowly or "siga siga" how we would say in Cyprus

with a mustard kaper sauce and vegetables. Served with Xynisteri from Vasilikon winery

Happy to see you all again soon at the at the 20th of March :) Don't stay devided > reconnect! I Send to everybody wherever you are!-)))

Don’t underestimate MOMENTUM > It is predator & creator moment at the same time! Life is like a blink of an eye and it can be over! Or in a blink all dreams are close like never before. Photo is shot by @sheann83 thanks for that!


+++ Retreat in Maroni Cyprus - Renovation Day 15 | Checking old foundations +++

We finally get the last pieces concrete away and can check how deep are the foundation to level the house correct. It turns out that the walls at some places are deep and that the house floor level is higher then original. This will be part of the planing.

The chicken house is ready at our in Maroni. Soon we have plenty of eggs :))

+++ Day 13 | Demolishion Concrete parts +++

The of :) Thank to my surgeon digger team that do a phantastic job to disconnect the old nice sandstone house from the concrete parts. It is very difficult operation as one wrong move with heavy gear can crash the walls of the old house :)

+++ Retreat in Maroni Cyprus Restoration | Day 12 | Demolishing concrete +++

I am happy to have a great team behind me. My supporters, the people who love me and those who are doing the important works at the Retreat at the moment. Beside attached photos you can see some video here >

Bin dieses Jahr beim Erfolgskongress vom Joschi Haunsberger dabei :) Tickets gibt es unter Bin einer von 50 Interviewpartnern und Experten und spreche über sowie Auswandern nach Zypern. Sicher Dir jetzt gratis Tickets unter

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Paxation helps creating circumstances to live your core identity and get peace of mind.