Thanks Cyprus for spoiling me everyday. It is this magic moment when the sun rises. Still calm and not so aggressiv like during mid day. It is a promise for a beautiful day and another day )))

Preparing new menu for the Retreat @editionfinesse Thanks to @veryshellfish for amazing fresh products. We working on spring three course of course with amazing wine to pair the . The St-Jacques we do with finest oliveoil from @topervoli and wild from the

is such exquisite gift of nature. Well belanced sweetness! For the preperation of food it offers a festival of red colors. Love it!

I am happy to see that more and more grate products come from the region around Maroni that we can use at the Retreat & Club @editionfinesse

What a long way to go and it was absolutly worth it: collecting the stones from the ground, collecting all the limestone tiles that others wanted to throw away and put it together with the old white cement. Finally put a nice light spot on it! Done and ready to welcome our members and heroes from around the world :)

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Paxation helps creating circumstances to live your core identity and get peace of mind.