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@strypey oh they will. For sure there will be a lot of suffering. But as the goverments decided to devide societies into vaxxed and unvaxxed instead of following the sience you will see private organized Hospitals with unvaxxed stuff etc. It might turn out that this stuff get better paid then in the normal hospitals. But it will happen.

@strypey I did not say is easy. But I created independent income since years. When you focus on problems you can solve for people you always earn money. When you improof this skill you have a good income.

I asked myself why so many people still follow the narrative that vaccines are safe and are the only solution even the hospitalization rates and natutal immunity studies tell different reality. The phenomenon is called "mass formation" in which feel connected over a topic. The oposite of the feeling of "bring right" & "connected" is cognitive dissonance which could cause real pain. The moment comes when you leave the narrative > Here a very good explanation >

is such exquisite gift of nature. Well belanced sweetness! For the preperation of food it offers a festival of red colors. Love it!

I am happy to see that more and more grate products come from the region around Maroni that we can use at the Retreat & Club @editionfinesse

What a long way to go and it was absolutly worth it: collecting the stones from the ground, collecting all the limestone tiles that others wanted to throw away and put it together with the old white cement. Finally put a nice light spot on it! Done and ready to welcome our members and heroes from around the world :)

Support us and become member here >​​​​​​​

@strypey time to build independent income far away from 9 to 5 perspective :)))

@echo_pbreyer hilft nur eins. Konsequent auf dezentrale open source Lösungen setzen

"Alle blicken wieder auf die Inzidenzzahlen, doch wir wissen, dass diese Zahlen nicht maßgeblich sind“, sagt Kolumnist Hans-Ulrich Jörges bei Viertel Nach Acht. Der tatsächlich wichtige Indikator sei die Belegung der Intensivbetten und diese sei seit Oktober leicht zurückgegangen. Der Grund für die Engpässe bei Intensivbetten liegt an einem Personalproblem in den Krankenhäusern. Das hat die Politik in den letzten zwei Jahren versäumt zu lösen."

Fresh made with and sauce. Of course with eggs from the in Maroni. With local ingredientes and oliveoil by @topervoli

Thanks to all Filotimo Members!

recommended wine:

Red > Shiraz Lefkada by @zambartaswineries
which I consider as a "Cyprus Classic"

White > vintage by @santairenewinery the buttery flavor and the pumpkin match perfect with this dish

with Of course with eggs from the in Maroni. With local ingredientes and oliveoil by @topervoli

Thanks to all Filotimo Members who supported us!

recommended wine vintage by @santairenewinery the buttery flavor and the pumpkin match perfect with this dish.

Es ist gut das endlich auch die "Qualitätsmedien" davon Berichten. Aber das die Kliniken das im Februar 2021 nicht gewusst haben sollen? Also ich erinnere mich, dass das die Verschwörungstheoretiker und Aluhutträger schon damals wussten. Naja wieder eine Theorie die sich als wahr erwiesen hat.

Follow the sience > 91 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19 >  We should not force COVID vaccines on anyone when the evidence shows that naturally acquired immunity is equal to or more robust and superior to existing vaccines. Instead, we should respect the right of the bodily integrity of individuals to decide for themselves.

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Paxation helps creating circumstances to live your core identity and get peace of mind.