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This always amazes me... our sun is a speck in comparison to the largest stars..

The chicken house is ready at our in Maroni. Soon we have plenty of eggs :))

+++ Day 13 | Demolishion Concrete parts +++

The of :) Thank to my surgeon digger team that do a phantastic job to disconnect the old nice sandstone house from the concrete parts. It is very difficult operation as one wrong move with heavy gear can crash the walls of the old house :)

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Hello, finally I get going here!
Today is another day working together with people on our paradise garden, to get the crops growing

+++ Retreat in Maroni Cyprus Restoration | Day 12 | Demolishing concrete +++

I am happy to have a great team behind me. My supporters, the people who love me and those who are doing the important works at the Retreat at the moment. Beside attached photos you can see some video here >

+++ Retreat in Maroni Zypern - Restaurierung 12. Tag | Abriss Betonteile +++

In diesem Video zeigen wir Euch, das wir Sandsteine gefunden haben. Die wurden früher alle in Tochni geschlagen und sind einiges Wert. Wir sortieren die Steine und verwenden die hinterher um wieder Natursteinmauern zu errichten oder Wände damit zu verblenden >

Bin dieses Jahr beim Erfolgskongress vom Joschi Haunsberger dabei :) Tickets gibt es unter Bin einer von 50 Interviewpartnern und Experten und spreche über sowie Auswandern nach Zypern. Sicher Dir jetzt gratis Tickets unter

Danke Hans, dass Du ein Filotimo geworden bist und unser Projekt in Maroni unterstützt 🙂

Wer unserem Projekt helfen will und ein Filotimo werden will kann dies unter

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introduction, food plants 

Hello! I'm Kirsty from Scotland, I grow plants and have been experimenting with growing food in a tenement flat since I don't have a garden. In this hell year of 2020 I've been growing tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, strawberries and tomatillos with some success!


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As my first post here, here's a pic of my latest sourdough!

@lusan Happy I found you. Looking forward to nice toots about cooking :) We do in Maroni Cyprus and also grow plants here.

@shatteredgears Happy I found you. Looking forward to nice toots about cooking :)

@Swede just saw you profil. Last message I am coming to late otherwise I would have recommended you something to cook 🙂

@Lisofcake I see you tooting about food! Would be happy to read more and I hope you like my content about food & wine too :-)

@happybelly See you love food as well :-) Looking forward to your toots 🙂

@brianzable I toot also about food and wine :-) Hope to read from you!

Morgen @udokett heute geht es weiter 🙂 Wollen wir den Stahlbeton mal gar aus machen 🙂

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+++ Retreat in Maroni Zypern - Restaurierung 11. Tag | Rückbau Betonteile +++

Bevor Die Abrissfahrzeuge kommen, haben wir entschieden zu sehen wie die Stahlbetonbauteile mit dem alten Bauköper aus Sandstein- und Lehmziegeln verbunden ist. Zudem trennen wir alle Teile ab die wir wieder verwenden können wie z.B. Sandsteinstufen der Treppe.. >

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Paxation helps creating circumstances to live your core identity and get peace of mind.