The #permaculture family became bigger today :) Welcome to the world little bird!
#permakultur #gardening #nature #organic #garden #growyourownfood #organicgardening #growyourown #permacultura #sustainableliving #permaculturedesign #foodforest #sustainability #permaculturegarden #vegetablegarden #homestead #potagerbio #sustainable #organicgarden #urbangarden #agriculture #farmlife
+++ Retreat in Maroni Cyprus - Renovation Day 15 | Checking old foundations +++
We finally get the last pieces concrete away and can check how deep are the foundation to level the house correct. It turns out that the walls at some places are deep and that the house floor level is higher then original. This will be part of the planing.
#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #cyprus #zypern
Die Übersiedelung hat einwandfrei geklappt. Unseren neuen Mitbewohner scheint das neue Zuhause zu gefallen und für uns neigt sich ein eindrucksvoller Tag dem Ende zu
#glücklichehühner #premakultur #hühnergehege #paradisegardenmaroni #freilaufhühner
It is so nice to enjoy the results from the @permaculture project in Maroni :) Thanks to @mariamierl and @Gsisi for make it possible! Happy to see more great future results :)
#permaculture #gardening #nature #organic #garden #growyourownfood #organicgardening #growyourown #permacultura #sustainableliving #permaculturedesign #foodforest #sustainability #permaculturegarden #vegetablegarden #homestead #potagerbio #sustainable #organicgarden #urbangarden #agriculture #farmlife
Heute kommen die Hühner, die Hühner, die Hühner 🐓 ..... ein ganz besonderer Tag in Paradise Garden😍 das neue Zuhause für unsere Ladies ist schon gerichtet!
#permakultur #nachhaltigkeit #landliebe #natur #garten #hühner #hühnerhaltung #hühnerliebe #glücklichehühner
+++ Retreat in Maroni Cyprus - Renovation Day 13 | More space for creativity +++
This is a time lapse video how we demolished the outside toilet to make more space in the building. More space for visions and creativity! Are you an artist? What would you create if you have the space for it? In the retreat we make the space. Let us know your art project! >
#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #cyprus #zypern
+++ Day 13 | Demolishion Concrete parts +++
The #aesthetics of #demolishion :) Thank to my surgeon digger team that do a phantastic job to disconnect the old nice sandstone house from the concrete parts. It is very difficult operation as one wrong move with heavy gear can crash the walls of the old house :)
#renovationdiary #renovationproject #bautagebuch #befilotimo #reconnetwithlove #cyprus #quantumlife #livinginparadise #cyprussummer #lebeseelischeidentität #begrateful #photo
+++ Retreat in Maroni Cyprus Restoration | Day 12 | Demolishing concrete +++
I am happy to have a great team behind me. My supporters, the people who love me and those who are doing the important works at the Retreat at the moment. Beside attached photos you can see some video here >
#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #cyprus #zypern
+++ Retreat in Maroni Zypern - Restaurierung 12. Tag | Abriss Betonteile +++
In diesem Video zeigen wir Euch, das wir Sandsteine gefunden haben. Die wurden früher alle in Tochni geschlagen und sind einiges Wert. Wir sortieren die Steine und verwenden die hinterher um wieder Natursteinmauern zu errichten oder Wände damit zu verblenden >
#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #cyprus #zypern
Bin dieses Jahr beim Erfolgskongress vom Joschi Haunsberger dabei :) Tickets gibt es unter Bin einer von 50 Interviewpartnern und Experten und spreche über #lebeseelischeidentität sowie Auswandern nach Zypern. Sicher Dir jetzt gratis Tickets unter
Danke Hans, dass Du ein Filotimo geworden bist und unser Projekt in Maroni unterstützt 🙂
Wer unserem Projekt helfen will und ein Filotimo werden will kann dies unter
#renovation #renovationproject #renovationdairy #bautagebuch #begrateful #seieinheld #seieinfilotimo #cyprus #zypern
introduction, food plants
Hello! I'm Kirsty from Scotland, I grow plants and have been experimenting with growing food in a tenement flat since I don't have a garden. In this hell year of 2020 I've been growing tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans, strawberries and tomatillos with some success!
@lusan Happy I found you. Looking forward to nice toots about cooking :) We do #permaculture in Maroni Cyprus and also grow plants here.
@shatteredgears Happy I found you. Looking forward to nice toots about cooking :)
@BakeAndDestroy picture upload still does not work?
Live my life up to the full! Ich liebe das #Leben und teile gerne #Informationen über #Reisen, #Essen & #Wein in der Welt! I follow back!