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+++ Save the date > Tafelrunde Neujahrsempfang am 4.1.2023 +++

Nächste Tafelrunde Larnaca, Limassol & Nikosia ist wie immer am ersten Mittwoch im Monat also am 4.1. in Maroni Thema diesmal: immobilien in Zypern! Der Markt steht vor starken Umbrüchen. Durch das Ende des Passprogram durch das man sich bisher für 2 Millionen einen EU-Pass kaufen konnten, ist eine wesentliche Einnahmequelle der Banken weggebrochen. Der Bankensektor wird sich daher mit erhöhter Geschwindigkeit konsolidieren….

+++ Save the date > Nächste Tafelrunde am 7.12 +++

Nächste Tafelrunde Larnaca, Limassol & Nikosia ist wie immer am ersten Mittwoch im Monat also am 7.12 im Club Restaurant Edition Finesse in Maroni genau zwischen allen drei grossen Städten. Thema diesmal: Autark & Energieunabhängig in Zypern. Impulsvortrag vom Spezialisten der ehemalig bei Tesla gearbeitet hat und jetzt hier in Zypern Menschen hilft energieunabhängig zu werden.

Liebe Grüsse
Euer Hecky

Two years from Vision in the head over all drawings to the final transformation! The result proof: What you can imagen you can create and becomes reality! We now already receive guests and our little Club Restaurant is well appreciated by supporting members. I am very grateful I can experience this and thank all support and those who will do it in the future. If you ever in Maroni come in and join us for a coffee or glas of wine.

French Parlament ruled out Covid ID Travel passports! Viva la France ) At the end it is the revolution country like it always was.

Opened today a 1981 Armagnac to celebrate three things: 1 > Friend becomes Grandfather soon | 2 > 1981 was the year he build his house | 3 > Extension of the Retreat :))))

Some of this varieties with astonishing potential. Now 14 years later I am grateful to say that the island with more then 50 boutique wineries is about to reintroduce all indigenous grape varieties. A few weeks ago there was tasting in Limassol and I found this MAVRO (I say the Pinot Noir of Cyprus) fermented on a claypot, put in oak barrel, not filtered! What can say? Cyprus arrived in the world class international competitive quality level! And it does not stop there! Much more potential ahead

Thanks Cyprus for spoiling me everyday. It is this magic moment when the sun rises. Still calm and not so aggressiv like during mid day. It is a promise for a beautiful day and another day )))

This month @editionfinesse member contributions went into the light concept :) Still waiting for the translucent stone that will surround the columns and will be dimmed on when the daylight fade away. Bonne Nuit to everybody :)

Time to save a sleeping diamond! I am in Cyprus now for almost 14 years and when I came to Maroni this beautiful house was abandoned already. It changed many owners but nobody took action. Until now! Almost before it collapsed totally. The heavy rains of the last few years were to much. My heart was crying. The building is a diamond with a astonishing view over the vally of Maroni and down to the sea.

From Vision to reality! Countless hours with a team I can not be more grateful for made it possible! It is now more then three years ago when I made the first drawings for this house and now it is here! Thanks to all the supporters, the love and connection in this time. An experience I dont want to miss in my life! Thanks )))

will be in the center of my July menu of the Club Edition Finesse we do fresh pasta in the and truffles. Also we have with truffes and steak. Wine of the month is from 100 year old trees fermented in and 6 month in barrel. All cooked with bio oliveoil by To Pervoli and vegetables from the

+++ 22.3 Spring Menu Start +++

Spring arrives next week with temperatures over 20 Celsius. We open 22.03.

We tested a new supplier and were amazed. Therefore we get a delivery of Vongole (clams, Venusmuscheln) and Cozze (mussels, Miesmuscheln) as well as oysters "Fines de Claire Marennes Olleron" fresh from the sea on the 22.03 (You can not compare with what you get in Cyprus normally)


3 Oysters
Cozze alla Marinara
Linguine Vongole
Panna Cotta Limoncello

Für courses menu cost 38€

Preparing new menu for the Retreat @editionfinesse Thanks to @veryshellfish for amazing fresh products. We working on spring three course of course with amazing wine to pair the . The St-Jacques we do with finest oliveoil from @topervoli and wild from the

The retreat now have back a wooden traditional balcony. One more time a beautiful piece of work is finished. Most with recyceled wood from the demolishing process. So this piece of work nearly need not much new recources. Also the balcony now prolonges the roof line with roof tiles like all other houses :) I am happy that the Agio Georgiou have now a better view to walk down to the sea )))

Als Deutscher werde ich hier vergessen, das Russland und Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow mit dem Abzug von mehr als 500.000 Soldaten aus Ostdeutschland den Weg für die Deutsche Einheit frei gemacht hat. Im Juli 1991 wurde der Warschauer Pakt aufgelöst. Alle wegen dem Versprechen das sie NATO sich nicht östlich der Elbe stationiert. CUI BONO?

+++ Inflation ist voll da > 18,4% bei gewerblichen Erzeugerpreisen +++

Es ist nur eine Frage der Zeit das diese Teuerrung bei den Verbrauchern ankommt. Omicron ist nicht unser Problem. Das Problem ist das und die Vernichtung von Jobs und Existenzen durch die Maßnahmen. Es geht beim Spazierengehen geht es nicht mehr nur um die körperliche Unberührtheit sondern eben auch um die wirtschaftliche Unversehrtheit. Darauf sollte man auch mehr den Fokus legen >

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Paxation helps creating circumstances to live your core identity and get peace of mind.